This is Plot Twist, isn't she so beautiful?
So here is how you can buy a chance to have her for your very own- Go on over to Leg up Equestrian Assistance and purchase as many tickets as you would like.
My friend Jos and his wife Mary run a charity that helps equestrians and horses who are in need of assistance. In the past they have helped riders and horses who have suffered injuries as well as helping those who have been displaced by natural disasters. The way that they raise funds is to raffle off one foal each year. Pictures of this years filly, her parents, a full pedigree chart of both parents as well as the rules and information on the raffle and charity can be found on the above link. You have till the end of the year to get in on the fun! If you do happen to win Plot Twist, she is in Oklahoma and you are responsible for picking her up. If you win and you really don't want a foal, you can donate her back and they will auction her off to raise even more money for the charity. (plus, you'll get really good karma)
One of the hats that Jos wears is that of photographer. Some of his work can be viewed on my front page as well as the show whip page. His work is really stunning and you can see more of it at Equine Images. I particularly like the fantasy and the equine portraits.
As a part of this years fundraiser, they have done a cute beefcake photo shoot. Here is a little preview. I really love that one of my whips is being used as a prop. See if you can find it!