Linda is a very cool wife. This whip is actually a surprise for her husband, Jim. I love when I get to be a part of something fun like this.
These dragon's tails are number 299 ans 300! I only have a few left on my list to do before they are retired forever. Why am I retiring something that is so popular?? Well, there are so many reasons but the biggest ones are that the pattern is really difficult, the colors shrink weird on the wax and cause twisting half the time. That causes me to have to rebuild them and say more swear words than I wan to. Then there is the awful name... Being a woman whip maker, I have worked really hard to create tools that can be used in the martial arts community as well as the spiritual community. I have carved out a few niches that I am comfortable in and this one whip puts me in a category that I would rather not be int because of it's name.
While these may not be the last ones, they may be the last ones blogged about. Good night sweet Dragons. xox I didn't take good enough notes on this whip and I built it in copper instead of stainless steel. I have to remake it but that means that some lucky person gets to skip the long long waiting list. If you are interested in buying this whip, email me. (The fall will be changed out for a black one and not the one in the photo)
I'm so proud of this whip handle! It is kind of hard to mak 14 plaits look nice. This pattern is really lovely and looks just as good as any other plait number. It was super difficult to keep strait and I loved the challenge of it.
I love this set too much! It is always cool to see a Valkyrie and a whipper snapper together, but when they are a matched pair it is so beautiful!
These are going to Bradly Phillips and his son. They have a very unique business where they take care of problem wildlife. They use the sound of the bullwhips to get rid of geese in a kind and humane way. If you are in need of there services, you can find them Here! |
I wear a lot of hats! I'm a homeschool Mom, Autism advocate, Jewelry maker, cosmetologist, gardener, spiritual adviser....and happy to be a Full time Whipstress whip-maker of HolyOak Whips. How to care for your whip
How to attach a cracker Ric Boyd Falls Carenvall cracker attachment TW & SA Differences Archives
June 2020
"One small crack does not mean that you are broken, It means you were put to the test and didn't fall apart."