I've been thinking about re-working how I do my show whips lately.
Most the whips like this have handles made of PVC pipe. I love the design of these whips but I haven't been completely happy with the handle material for a while.
I've changed the handle from PVC pipe to a beautiful copper pipe! I think it looks Amazing and it only added an ounce and half of weight! I love how sturdy the handle is and how it seems to glow as you use it.
I have also stopped doing the two strand taper twist at the end. Lots of Nylon whips are built with a twist at the end. The thing I don't love about that is that it makes it difficult if not impossible to change the fall if you need to. I'm ending all of my whips with a 4 plait and a traditional fall hitch because that is what I would want on my personal whips.
I love the new changes! Check out the pretty pictures!