How to make cowboy gear by Bruce Grant was published in 1953... and looking at this book, I think Glen has had it in his possession that long. The book is yellow and a bit crunchy. Duct tape holds the spine together and it has the distinct smell of vanilla that only really old books have.
I almost didn't dare open this book for fear that it would fall apart. I'm so glad I did look at it though. It is full of practical things like how to make hobbles, reins and riding crops. It also tells in detail how to build a saddle from the "tree" up.
The very best thing about this book is the many pages on decorative knots. There is a really cool one called the Lonestar knot that I want to use on my whips as soon as I can make it look right. There are ring knots and button knots and all kinds of hard and cool things. I'm excited to learn all this new information. Maybe make some copies so the book won't fall apart while I'm concentrating.