Since then, I have received quite a few emails and facebook messages from people who just wanted me to know that they have a child, nephew or next door neighbor who is on the spectrum and they get what I am going through. I've made some new friends because of it. I already knew that people in the autism community were wonderful as well as the people I have met in the whip community. I have learned that there are many of us who use our practice time with the whips as our therapy and to get a moment of personal space that has nothing to do with our worries. Its beautiful, really.
I just went to get the mail and I found this note and money in my box. It doesn't have a return address and it isn't signed. Based only on the post mark, I suspect it is from someone who has purchased a whip from me in the past.
I'm just setting here with grateful tears rolling down my face. I'm so touched and overwhelmed that a stranger would reach out and do this for me. The kindness of people in this world just amazes me.
To the person who gave me this gift. The only thing I know about you is you have a generous heart the size of Texas and that you read this blog from time to time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will do as you suggest and treat myself to something just for me. I think you already know that is the hardest thing to do when you are a care giver. I do hope you let me know your identity one day... until then I trust that you will see this and know how much it means to me. xox