I did it again. Goodness, this was a tremendous amount of work. The first belly is as big as my Tibetan wave whips are when they are finished. The second belly is 16 plait and 9 foot long. Then the 12 footer overlay on top! Maybe by the weekend, my hands will be recovered enough to work again.
This whip was inspired by a photo of a beautiful snake. I was so happy to be able to create a whip around that idea. I found this really cool new paracord color called Electric Shock to use for this whip. It looks like teal from a distance but when you get closer to it, you see that it is actually vertical stripes of electric blue and neon green. It almost looks as if it is moving. (Yes, I bought an entire spool of it. So, if you want a whip in that color, I have plenty left over)
I love love love how the handle turned out. It looks twisty and scaly just like a snake whip should.